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Catching the Perseid Meteor Showers; Peaking August 12

The Perseid meteor showers officially runs from July 17 through August 24. Though it is possible to catch intermittent meteors at any point during that time frame the peak time for observing the most shooting stars is Thursday morning at 4am. If you are unable to catch the show Thursday morning, Friday's prospects (August 13) are just as good. Both mornings, the shower's radiant (the point from which shower meteors appear to originate) is high in the sky plus there will be no moonlight to interfere with this wonderful spectacle.

Of note, the Perseid meteor shower is the effect of the earth traveling through the dust trail of Comet Swift-Tuttle, a short period comet that will visit our planet's vicinity once every 133 years. Next scheduled return will be in the year 2126.

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